Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lalgarh and beyond - playing with fire

Perhaps one of the most disturbing news originated in the recent times, post the Mumbai attack, is the story of Maoist violence in Lalgarh. It's a matter of great concern that in this civil society of the great democratic nation, we are allowing violent forces to take over and promote anarchy. As most of the so called "national media" is wasting the time and effort to discuss about "India's cricket debacle" and "Celebrity rapist", this most dangerous situation is not getting the deserving attention. It's extremely condemnable to watch the "national political parties" keeping away from responsibility and "enjoying" the situation (if not precipiatating it further) as the communists were getting the taste of their own medicine. Any responsible and sensitive citizen cannot keep his mouth shut watching such a dangerous crime taking place. I know it's hardly appealing to the elite's and socialites like the "racist attack" against students in Australlia (no common man has the resources to send his ward for overseas education, especially to Australia) or the Mafatlal arrest... Moreover it's difficult to connect a "hindu fascist" hand behind the carnage (to appeal the "activists")... But it's high time to realise that we are slowly letting loose a huge monster that is going to affirm it's scary grip on the entire nation in a much nearer future than one could imagine. All the national political parties have to act swiftly with responsibility to end the siege and not treat it as a golden opportunity to settle the score with communists.. If it's Lalgarh today.. it can be Lucknow tomorrow...Any delays the entire nation has to pay for it

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