Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sainthood that aint

While media is busy praising the "selfless gestures" of mother and son who refused to budge to the "temptations" of accepting any constitutional positions, they are completely ignorant to the hard fact... It's such a position of advantage than any painful sacrifice.. When someone is giving you "cream". "Milk", "Curd", "butter", "yoghurt" ... and virtually everything in a platter, why do you need to buy milk. They are enjoying all the power and might of the supreme extra constitutional authority, sans any responsibility connected to one... So why do they need to take oath of secrecy... And the whole nation is busy to impose them the halo of sainthood for their "selfless sacrifice".. I love this "democrazy..."


Thinking more on the points i have noted down analyzing the results, and processing some of the responses from like minded souls, i am feeling like adding a few lines to one point... Among the important aspects that infulenced the India verdict, i have given utmost importance to the support which Rahul Baba gained from Indian youth... But if you dwell deep, most of the support is manufactured from the so called "Jagore generation".. The generation conditioned by media to react to what they "see" in the TV channels, and not what they "understand".. They were completely influenced by the "pyjama charm" of the scion... It became cool and hep to support the "good looking gentleman" whose "rural escapades" were hailed by English Speaking Channels..The media also shooed them away from supporting any other ideology by imposing the image of being uncool and primitive (the monstersque imagery of hindutva brigade, or the anti-development imagery of communists.. ) A similar situation that was created by his dad's courtiers when he "reluctantly" jumped into the fray after his mother's demise... However it didn't take much time to get the spotless kurta smeared with allegations.. Let's hope this time the son is more smarter or better advised... to have a longer career...

Friday, May 22, 2009

The lessons from elections

Last Saturday, it all ended up in roughly a couple of hours, as the entire verdict came split wide open... as usual there were winners and losers... But in this case there were some "in betweens" and some "disasters".. While DMK, SP and NCP had fallen in the "in between" category because even though they have passed in flying colours - the intensity of congress win has taken away the bargaining capacity to a considerable count. On the other hand for the "disasters" in this political drama, Lalu-Paswans and Left axis, it's nothing short of a big tight slap right on the face... For all those circus they had enacted in the name of "secular politics" . And for the losers of the game - NDA, it needs a whole lot of soul searching and course corrections to remain in contention till next term.

If one closely analyze the results there are a few obvious learnings that throws up. Let me note down a few general points that came to the top of my mind...

Youth and Freshness:
The young nation is hungry for a leadership that is young with someone who is young and fresh at the helm.. Even though we bought old sardarji back to the primeministership, one has to agree that the verdict is for "Rahul baba" and his gang. Every young member from his team has won. I was among the set of people who poked fun of his antics and Kalavathi stories.. But ultimately his hardwork paid... The middle class India, who is actually sick and tired of the old and wily opted for freshness and youth. He definitely sold an impression of future hope very effectively to the nation.

Local governments:
Any local government that performed - atleast given an impression of being better than the opposition are rewarded. And on the other hand, the so called laggards are taught a lesson or two. Bihar, Orissa, MP, Delhi, Chattisgargh... the states with governments that have performed better, was also favored by their people, while they cast their vote.

National Leaders and local heroes:
If you are a hero in a state, it's not necessarily people from other states consider you with the same image. Narendra Modi has learned it in a hard way. The leader is as good as the image and the issue they represent. India is a large nation where the topography changes every 50 miles.. The issues that you feel close to heart in Chennai would hardly count for someone in Hyderabad... So understanding diversity is a key requisite. While Modi is a hero is Gujarat who represents the "Pride" and "Development" in Gujrat, he is a monster who caused a bigger carnage elsewhere.. and the crowd who joins to see him speaking are not necessarily the fan club. NDA should really search their cupboard for young leaders with a national appeal.. No not the Varun Gandhi types..

Pure for Sure:
This election turned out to be a real payback time for confused parties.. The BJP who is confused between "Hindutva" and "Development" ... Left parties who caught between "ideology" and "compromise", For that matter SP, BSP, TDP, AIDMK who were confused of what side t join... Everyone who were confused about their policy and vision has got the deserved treatment... Ultimately one should realise that majority of the voters and not politically indulgent ... they are influenced or swayed by what they see around.or rather what media fed to them day in and day out... As Al ries says, strategy is a sacrifice... You can't take everybody with you... if you win some.. you loose some.. and the success is getting the arithmetic right.

Pre-poll alliances
Any post poll alliances, or prospects of post poll alliances were seen in poor light by neutral voters...and 50% of the electorate is indoctrinated.. While the leaders like Lalu, Mulayam and Jaya, taking immoral stances and making irresponsible statements in public about holding hands with anyone post poll, should have considered that the whole nation is watching.. and there are many of them who have common sense. Unfortunately they only see the fools that flock around them... and they judge the public with the same yardstick.. Even in these days of chaos, there is a significant portion of citizens who respect ethics, and morality .. and this political ping pong was hardly acceptable to their mindset. And they have decided to exercise the only right they had... en masse...

As i complete this note, there is hectic backdoor politicking happening for garnering the plum posts... including the regular drama of southern old fox, who had taken the cherries and cream and fighting for more... If the winners have not learnt lessons and take it into practice... remember, sooner of later they have to face the electorate...

Monday, May 18, 2009

And the winner is....

The results are out... and it's a big relief that it's no cliff hanger... disappointing the media sharks who were waiting eagerly for one more episode of "kissa kursi ka" enacted with enhanced dollops of shamelessness.. No more endless waiting in front of the gate of Amma's and Maya's of the world, and no more need for backroom diplomacy. They have to shift their focus back to more dramatic IPL jumboree.. At least some or my fellow citizens have voted with some sense, and regards to their brain. We have to leave it to time to prove if Madam's team really deserve another chance, that was delivered to them in a platter. But one thing is sure, if they had right kind of intentions, it's their chance to deliver. There is no one to blame on, not even the communists... In fact they got a real golden chance to have a clean, young and new look cabinet - with many of the so called lame ducks have bitten dust. If one have an initial look at the results, there is a very evident linkage between the performance of the respective state governments with the results. If the local state government has been performing well, they were rewarded with a good mandate... But still we are far off from eliminating our dependancy on issues like cast equations, money power etc. before casting our votes..

Friday, May 15, 2009

Disgusting democracy

Being someone who respects democracy and understands the value of it completely, the happening around is giving immense pain. The way each and every political party consider the value of the votes that has been polled by people and their expectations… is pathetic… While agreeing the fact that the intrusive media has almost eliminated the possibilities of clandestine meetings and backdoor diplomacy, but still the open display of total disregard to morality and ethics is quite shocking if not disgusting… There is not even an iota of shame left with any of the “leaders” while tearing apart the whole democratic process and come out openly with proposals and alliances – post poll. “ After all in politics there are no permanent enemies” “We are politicians”, “It’s time to uphold the secularism” “For the sake of minorities we should join hands”… I feel nauseating when I see these shameless khadi clad criminals appear to make their vulgar statements… One small cause of personal comfort is that I haven’t smeared my finger tips with the “ink of sin” for quite sometime giving ear to the pleas of the stupid “Jagore” generation.
I used to eagerly wait for election results, but now I feel to go and shut my idiot box for at least a month…

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Are independents irritants?

It's quite funny to hear from Mr. Singh that independent candidates are spoilers... that too while understanding that the musings are from someone who never had the courage even to contest a panchayat election. In my opinion, the groupings as political parties are nothing but creating dependencies to a free thinking person... Once you are a political party member, you are a slave of ideology (not necessarily the dictionary meaning of it. It's the most abused/misused term in Indian politics next after "secularism" ).. It adds responsibility to justify every action of the political party or group you belong, even if you don't agree with it. An independent can never be a slave of any "ideology"... His ultimate commitment is to common man who vote for him. Unfortunately our democracy doesn't have enough room for worthy independent candidates to contest.. the entire electoral process is governed by money. You need to have sacks of greens to contest and win elections... In the ideal world of a vibrant democracy, independent candidates have a great role to play. But again we hardly are a matured franchise... We measure the caste, creed, colour of skin, language, ... or whatever way we can slice the candidate demographically, other than the ability and wisdom of the individual, while we decide our mandate....

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Lankan Mess

Generations ago it was the divine monkey, with his burning tail demolished the emerald island, to teach the demons a lesson or two. Now it's a turn of the modern day Hitler to replicate the same... the catastrophe, if the sensible media to be believed is terrible and phenomenal. Ethnic cleansing is back - after the dark ages of pol pot, and khemer roughe. And the worst of all, the world's largest democracy is idling blind folded... We are one strange kind of nation.. when we don't require to react, we interfere and spoil the situation, and when our intervention is necessary we turn mute. Among the six nations with whom we share geographic proximity (let us count maldives out), do we share normal friendly relationship with any country? I am afraid.... Why is it's so... it's just because the flawed foreign policy (if there is anything like that) that we follow.. We failed to recogenize their sovereignty, we failed to understand their geo politics... and worst of all their interplay with our domestic scenario. When it was required to keep ourselves off from Lankan Politics, where they were striving hard to find out political solution, we have interfered and send in IPKF (What Justice Krishna Iyer once called innocent people killing force).... and we got immediate setback in the form of loosing precious life - of men in uniform and even the head of state.... but still our leadership failed to learn and understand from those lessons...

To begin with one should understand the Tamilian psyche... they are a society of committed people..... Among Tamils, you are either black or white... no greys... Very passionate, and emotional they are ready to sacrifice their lives for the very cause they believe in... If you notice, suicide squads are first deployed effectively by LTTE. One cannot forget the number of self emolation bids happens once an "actor" or "politician" (both terms can be used interchanging) dies in TN... The Eelam is one such cause that is uniting Tamilians cross border.. though one hardly understand the issue beyond the uproar .. So the issue that is ripe enough for vilely and scheming political players here at Chennai, if not attended with due importance.. Any free thinking soul can see the shallow and politically motivated acts of each of these unscrupulous politicians - irrespective of which Kazhakam they are in.. but can't act or react, knowing the senseless reactions of the innocent followers who are manipulated by them... I remember reading an article about the simmering discontent that existed in Vedaranyam when they heard the death of shanmugham one of the culprits who provided logistics support to Rajiv Gandhi's killers. So there is always a diabolic situation brewing that can create a potential disaster to our own sovereignty...

While we check what is happenings within, because of the impact from the Lankan action, it's equally important to react as a responsible international citizen to the reckless act of Lankan state executing a genocide of such alarming proportion. Armed "solution" is never a "solution".... it's true that the terrorist organisation like LTTE has exploited the situation and blackmailed and bullied the government there... But while eliminating them, the incurring collateral damage of "thousands of innocent lives" that is colossal and shocking, should have avoided... War was never a solution to any issue... You can eliminate the terrorists by killing them, unless one try to understand the issues that prompted and solve them, the terrorism lives on.. even if you slaughter every single terrorist... The issues is much more powerful than bullets... We should immediately initiate the process to find permanent solution for the issue... We cannot ignore the cries of those thousands in Jaffna peninsula, who had lost their lives and living dead...